Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Historical Mosque in Aceh

The first time under the influence of Islam, Aceh has many historical relics, especially the mosques hundreds of years old.

Both in the Kingdom of Pasai Ocean - the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, as well as during the colonial period, the mosques, not only as a place of worship, but also as a place of social activities, including education. Even as the Islamic cultural center.

"For that value the Directorate of History, Department of Culture and Tourism of RI, trying to create awareness of community history that finally able to strengthen national integration in a way to publish the function and role of historic mosques," said Director of the Values History Depbudpar, Sabri, some time ago.

To reintroduce the historic mosques in the province is nicknamed Porch of Mecca, Depbudpar invite some journalists to visit the old mosques in the city of Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Aceh Barat district, and City of Sabang.

Spiritual Tours

The existence of the mosque tsunami disaster, December 26, 2004, as a miracle that disclosed the Creator. Imagine, when the buildings collapsed and drifted around the tsunami hit, but the mosque stood firm, only slightly damaged.

Residents who take refuge in the mosque, survived the tsunami waves. Masjid Sultan Mosque Baiturahman and Baiturrahim, in downtown Banda Aceh, for example, until now a tourist destination.

Not only in the city of Banda Aceh. In the city / other districts in Aceh Province, also has a wealth of national treasures of the old mosque. Ancient mosques in Aceh but interesting excavated and studied the history and architecture, can also be developed as an object of spiritual tourism.

Aceh province has many valuable historical mosque, hundreds of years old. Need kesejarahannya dug and studied architecture for the knowledge society. "It is also interesting to be a spiritual attractions," said the Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf.

Aceh Besar Regent Bukhari Daud, separately in Indrapuri say, that the old mosque in Aceh Besar, the Citadel Mosque Indrapuri, who built the 10th century AD, also inspired the Pancasila Muslim mosque architecture in different parts of the archipelago. in fact, the oldest and most famous mosque in Demak Castle was modeled after the architecture Indapuri Mosque.

Change shape

Manjing Village, Bath Beach district, West Aceh District, found an old mosque by termites, which Manjing Tuha Mosque. "The mosque is a very worthy made objects and reconstructed cultural conservation," said Dahlia, Kasi BP3 Conservation and Utilization of Aceh.

Was in Sabang, mosque Baiturrahman Melayu, the mosque where the prospective Indonesian pilgrims quarantined before deployment by ship to Mecca, in the days before 1924, because of lack of socialization of cultural conservation body (BCB), have changed shape.

This is a historic mosque for Muslims in Indonesia. When the Indonesian people made the pilgrimage to Mecca, which was the only one with sea travel, prospective pilgrims from various regions in Indonesia quarantined at Masjid Melayu Baiturrahman, before depart from Port of Sabang. Around the mosque there are inns, Jamin said Seda, sfat Department of Culture and Tourism City of Sabang.

Director of the Directorate of History Value History and Antiquities Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI, was deplored conditions Melayu Baiturrahman Mosque has changed shape.

"This is due to lack tersosialisasinya Law on Heritage Objects in the province of Aceh. Should, if if you want to build a mosque, do not alter and destroy the old mosque can be categorized BCB. But the new mosque built alongside the old mosque," said Sabri.

If the old mosque Sabang has changed shape, so in Pidie district, an old mosque in Pasi tengku Chik, who built the 17th century in Gampong Rumpong Vases, Peukan Baro subdistrict, well maintained. On the right side of the new mosque was built wider.

Although well maintained, but it is unfortunate too, because significant changes such as painting the entire building elements, ie walls, pillars, and decorative patterns on the tie beams.

In front of the mosque on the north side, there are two jars glassir Siamese with dark brown color, which is placed in a cangkup, a gift from the Kingdom of China. Y ang water taken from the jar, according to local residents, believed to be mengobat any disease. The old mosque was visited by many people of Aceh and also foreign tourists, especially Malaysia.

The same thing happened in the mosque Gunong Kelang, in Gampong Gunong Kleng, Kaway XVI District, West Aceh district. The old mosque which was built 20 th century this (not yet recorded in the building), also painted the entire building.

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